Friday, August 21, 2015

All about Shawnise

Hello classmates! My name is Shawnise Addison, but my friends just call me Addison ( I guess its easier) My major is nursing, so hopefully I make straight A's so that I can be considered. I'm a really cool person and I like pop music and dubstep, some might call me an "Oreo". I didn't want to live on the Cochran campus because of the gnats( I hate gnats), however, I did want to live on the Macon Campus. I am from the city, Atlanta, and I was born in Minnesota. I like to do research on pretty much everything, especially on things I have to purchase. I am not a loud person nor am I a person who likes to "turn up". Not to say that I am boring or "too safe", I just like to chill. I am a mellow person. It's okay with me to go out to parties, but not all the time. I like to put school first because that's the main reason that I am here. I am Christian, and  I do not judge people on their beliefs. I like to draw, but I can't draw. I know that sounds weird but I'm saying that I like the idea of drawing and I wish I could do it well or at all for that matter. I also like to watch cartoons, I don't care how old I am, by the way I am 18. I will not be aged! That does not mean I am immature, it means that I like cartoons, that's it. I do not have a temper nor am I rude. I talk a lot once you get to know me other than that I may be quiet. I am considered a nerd but that's okay because nerds always wins! Well that's all about me, I look forward to knowing about all of you.


  1. Hello Shawnise, it is very nice to meet.

  2. Hey Shawnise, my name is Chloe. From your profile picture it looks like you are wearing a FBLA jacket, if so I was in FBLA in high school too.

    1. Yes! I was I was president it was a wonderful experience.

  3. Nice to meet you! I have a lot of friends/family from Atlanta.

  4. hello Shawnise, I look forward to getting to know you as a friend, and also as a fellow classmate.

  5. Hi Shawnise! My names Daniel! Its nice to meet you!

  6. Shawnise you seem like a very well rounded person.

  7. We are just alike . I didn't want to stay on campus in Cochran either I prefered Macon . Do you like it so far ?
