I already know what an RN is, however I do not know about every detail of an RN. I currently went on Wikipedia to review and research information about an RN. What I found out was that RN's practice is determined by the legislation government by local governing nurses. I am unsure why RN's practices are determined by the legislation government of local governing nurses, however in my wiki topic it said that it was regulated by a council, which I am taking as it has restricts and "laws" to it that need regulation. RN's need to meet minimum practices hours and continue education in order to keep their registration. I didn't know that nurses needed to to that. I thought once you were a RN then you're just that, a RN. If you went to school passed and did what you are supposed to and make into and out of nursing school, isn't that enough? Nursing of course is a very broad field, and is very competitive. As of 2011 there were 2.24 million RN's in China. In the US, we had 3 million nurses. This proves that yes, nursing is very board. In the US most RN's are expected to have at least an Associates degree or a certification. All nurses have to take the NCLEX-RN in order to receive their licence. An associates degree usually takes up to 3 years due to the prerequisite courses during the first years of college.
The above information, after reading about it on Wikipedia, was not so much a shock to me. I guess I already knew most things about an RN, well at least half of the basics. Even though most of the information about being a nurse seems hard and seems like it will take forever, and that one should change their mind, I am still going for it. I am not so much of a risk taker nor am I a person who likes challenges, but the time around I will take on the challenge. If all else fails, I do have too back up majors which are, Criminal Justice and Information Technology.
Recourse: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Registered_nurse
Its good that your being a RN , because people are always going to need a nurse.