Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Post about the peer review process. Talk about giving and receiving peer advice

I think that the peer review process has its advantages and disadvantages. I believe that it is effective because it allows students to help others without having to be in their face and advice is given as well as ideas. The disadvantages that it came bring is that someone may not know what they are doing and give the wrong advice, students could rely on someone to correct their entire paper and probably not even understand why what was corrected needed to be corrected in the first place, or students could take advice from the person who is reviewing their work and just go with their ideas without even thinking for themselves, just to get the assignment done. It may seem as if there are more advantages than disadvantage, but I think helping and guiding your classmates counts as more than just one thing because that can lead to a difference in that students paper and it can also teach them why their mistakes were mistakes. Guidance is the spark of the peer review process, which is also an advantage.

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