Monday, November 30, 2015

Using blogging in the college class

Using blogging in English 1101 has actually made me okay with work. blogging is essential because for me, it keeps me from complaining about the work. I rather blog and write three essays throughout the year rather than write a million essays because I did that in high school and I like a switch up. In regular English classes all students do is write a bunch of essays that no one cares about but in this class blogging is based off of my opinion and that it isn't a right or wrong answer. Blogging has taught me how to voice my own opinion and to write about my experiences and express my thoughts. I never knew that I would enjoy an English class as much as I do. Blogging, isn't just writing a few things down to get it done, it motivates me into actually wanting to do it instead of complaining and being frustrated with it.

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