Monday, February 1, 2016

Reflection of classmates post

After reading Jay's post, she learned, "“The Story of an Hour” is Kate Chopin’s short story about the thoughts of a woman after she is told that her husband has died in an accident. This story is creepy because of the role of Louise Mallard" I wanted to know what the creepy part about it was and why everyone decided to choose this story. My opinion of the story is similar because it is a story about a women who celebrates her husband’s death, so she can be free from him. Jay didn't write much about what she learned but I think her main point is that a women who celebrates her husband’s death is sort of psychotic. Also, I actually learned something from Keyshuna’s post, when she mentioned that she learned, how “a dynamic character is someone who changes a lot during a story” .To be honest I didn’t know what that meant, but after reading her response I understand that a dynamic character is a developing character, in “A Sorrowful Women”, the mother developed into a character who did not want to fulfill her role as a housewife

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