Monday, October 19, 2015

Changing relationship with your nuclear family, using quote from Manning's article

My mom and I so what get a long I think its neutral because its not like we do not get a long but then it again I am not saying that we do so its kind of a blank space there. i love her like to death but she isn't someone who I'd talk to about my problems or my struggles. She is hairlines and we have a few laugh well a lot of laughs almost all the time. Manning said that, "Our communication was physical." That is sort of like how my mom and I are. I mean, laughing is a verb right? and it could be physical, I think it is. We never talk like those mother/ daughter talks that most people have. We just make jokes and laugh at then or I would ask my mom to do ridiculous things for my amusement. It sounds like a pretty nice relationship, but it still lack the bond that teenage girls should have with their mothers. Maybe one day we'll get there when I am much older than I now.

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