Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Finding humor in a strange situation.

I have seen many strange situations through life and yes, all of them have been pretty funny. One day my boyfriend Tre and I was riding the train to six flags. It was a Sunday and two men have just gotten out of church. Now they were arguing for the longest about $10. So, they were right next to Tre and I, and they acted like they were about to fight, but they didn't. So one guy says "I don't care what you do, you better have my $10 in the next stop" and the other guy says, "I don't have your $10, so leave me alone". This went on for about 3 stops. The guy who wanted the $10 was threatening the other guy that he was going to fight him, if he doesn't give him the money. Lets not forget that they BOTH just got out of church. So, as the ride went on the got into each other's faces and started yelling and then at the next stop they got off and right before we could see any thing serious, the train zoomed away.


  1. Sounds like it could have been pretty serious. Good thing that neither of you were put in danger.
